Blog One Minute Wonder – Sell your company in 60 seconds

 One Minute Wonder – Sell your company in 60 seconds

One Minute Wonder – Sell your company in 60 seconds

Our One Minute Wonder’s provide businesses with the perfect marketing tool to get their message across quickly and concisely, whilst being agile enough for businesses to easily share them online.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, did you know that a 60 second video is worth 1.8 million words? So, have you ever thought about selling your products and services with a 60 second video?

Research has found that if you do not grab the attention of your viewer within the first 10 seconds of your video, it is highly unlikely that they will watch your video through to the very end. The beauty of a One Minute Wonder is that, due to it being only 60 seconds long, your business will be delivering messages and information quickly and concisely, keeping viewers’ attention hooked to the screen until the very last second.

Once your business has had a One Minute Wonder created, the possibilities are endless. Our videos are designed so that they can be easily shared across online platforms, from your website to your Facebook and Twitter page. By adding a video to your website, you can condense the amount of written content you have, as your video will do all the talking and by sharing the video on your social media, you have the possibility to reach and engage a much wider audience.

Not only this, but your One Minute Wonder can even be embedded into the signature of all of your business emails, leaving your contact list with the lasting impression that your business is professional and well put together.

So, get in touch today to discover how your business could benefit from just 60 seconds of video.

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