Networking is a great way to expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others and gain new clients along the way. It’s all about growing and gaining a better position in your business sector but what exactly are the benefits?
Here are a few I’ve discovered from my own networking experiences:
Increased business:
The most common value that networking brings is business referrals. These are typically high quality and if followed up, the most important step, can potentially turn into new clients, resulting in increased business.
Business opportunities:
With networking often comes an abundance of opportunities. Partnerships, joint ventures, client leads and presenting and writing opportunities to name just a few. These opportunities can open other doors, you just need to make sure that you are being proactive at the networking events you attend.
Building connections:
The well-known saying “It’s not what you know, but who you know” is very true for business. Having a great source of relevant connections in your network is often the key to success. Networking enables you to develop and build on your connections.
Advice and assistance:
Through networking with like-minded business owners, you can gain advice and learn from the success of others. Networking is a great way to tap into advice and expertise that you wouldn’t be able to get hold of normally.
Increased confidence:
Pushing yourself to talk to people you don’t know at networking events regularly, will help you to increase your confidence. This is an important quality for a business owner, as business growth is dependent on you making connections and talking to people. The more confident you get, the easier networking becomes and the more you will benefit from it.
If you haven’t taken the plunge into networking yet, what are you waiting for, when it can be so valuable?
I am presenting at the Worcester Business Breakfast Club on the 29th September.
If you wish to attend the next event on Friday 29th September, or any of the future events, you can book your place on the Club’s website today.